Knights of the Shed

Build Social Confidence. Get Individualised Support.

Therapeutic Activities + Personalised Coaching = Social Success.

Knights of the Shed empowers youth and young adults to develop social skills and wellbeing through engaging programs and expert support, including:

  • Therapy Supports
  • Early Childhood Supports
  • Specialist Behaviour Intervention

Contact us today and unlock your social potential!

Current Timetable

  • Tasmanian kids are suiting up for a unique adventure

    Welcome back, Knights! Term 1 was a whirlwind of social skill development, and we’re excited to dive into Term 2 with more engaging activities.

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  • Knights of the Shed: Sharpening Social Skills in Term 2!

    Welcome back, Knights! Term 1 was a whirlwind of social skill development, and we’re excited to dive into Term 2 with more engaging activities.

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  • Knights of the Shed: Term 1 Social Skills Program Review – April 2024

    This term at Knights of the Shed, our social skills program focused on strengthening two crucial executive functions: Self-Monitoring and Inhibition.

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